Privacy and Sports Web LLC are the sole owner of information collected on this site.
We do not sell, share or rent this information to any outside parties, except as outlined in this policy.

Information that we may request and collect

You may be asked to provide certain types of personal information.
This might happen through our website, applications, online forms, chat system, telephone or in-store.

We may request, collect or process the following types of information

  • Account Details - email address, password
  • Contact Details - email address, phone number
  • Location Details - physical address, billing address
  • Identity Details - full name, birth date
  • Player Details for Teamwear purchases - club name, team name, player number
  • Financial Information - credit card details, payment processor details (e.g. paypal)
  • Device and Browser Information - device type, operating system, browser type

Information we collect as you use our service

  • Metadata - IP address, computer and connection information, referring web page, language settings, timezone, etc.
  • Location - IP based geo location
  • Actions - pages viewed on our website, links clicked, time spent viewing, search keywords, etc.

How we use personal information

The information we request, collect, and process is primarily used to provide users with the product or service they have requested. More specifically, we may use your personal information for the following purposes:

  • to provide the service or product you have requested;
  • to provide technical or other support to you;
  • to answer enquiries about our services, or to respond to a complaint;
  • to promote our other programs, products or services which may be of interest to you;
  • to allow for debugging, testing and otherwise operate our website and related applications;
  • to conduct data analysis, research and otherwise build and improve our platforms;
  • to comply with legal and regulatory obligations;
  • if otherwise permitted or required by law;

How we share information

The personal information of users may be held or processed on our behalf by our third party service providers. We may employ third party companies to perform specific functions on our behalf, including fulfillment, package delivery, marketing assistance, IT assistance, analytics, postal and e-mail delivery, customer service, data analysis, and credit card processing.

Our third party providers include:

  • Package delivery companies
  • Payment and banking providers
  • Marketing and analytics providers
  • Email service providers
  • Cloud hosting, storage, networking and IT service providers
  • Online ratings sites
  • Security providers

The third parties employed by Stefans Soccer have limited access to your personal information and may not use it for any other purposes.


Based on the cookies and other tracking tools, we may work with advertising companies to display ads that may be of interest to you.


To be able to process your order placed on Stefans Soccer website, you may be asked to complete the registration form. During registration, you will be asked to provide your contact information, including your name, e-mail address, phone number and street address - the information will be used to provide you with services such as order status updates via e-mail. You may also be asked for providing your date of birth (optional), in order to receive a loyalty reward on your birthday, if you choose to sign up for our Top Corner loyalty program.


Most of the information that we collect is used to process customers' orders. During the order process, you will have to provide financial information such as your credit card number, card holder's name, expiration date and billing address – this information is needed to process and fulfil the order. To properly process your credit card information, we must share your personal and financial information with the merchant bank for authorization and approval. We share this information with Paypal and merchant bank for authorization and approval. Stefans Soccer does not share your personal and financial information with any third parties, except those specified in the Sharing section below.


Content of the Stefans Soccer web store may be customized for your browser based on cookie files. Cookies must also be accepted to be able to add items to cart. If cookies are disabled in your browser, Stefans Soccer site cart will not function properly, order related information cannot be correctly processed and order cannot be placed. We do not share any identifiable information provided by this cookie with any third party. We may link data stored in cookie files cookies to the personally identifiable information you submitted while on our site to personalize shopping experience and keep your browsing preferences. Some of our business partners (e.g., Google) also use cookies on our site. Stefans Soccer does not have control over these cookies. The privacy statement is related to cookies used by Stefans Soccer only and does not cover the use of cookies by any business partners.

Log Files

Our sever logs can be used to administer the website, track how users move through the website in order to improve user experience or also for security reasons. We do not distribute or share IP information with third parties.


Stefans Soccer does not sell products for purchase by children. We offer youth-oriented products for purchase by adults only. Users who are under age of 18 should only use our website in a presence of parent or guardian. We do not knowingly or intentionally collect personal information via the Internet from children under the age of 13.

Links to other websites

Stefans Soccer website may contain links to other websites. Please note that Stefans Soccer is not responsible for privacy practices of such other websites.


Safeguarding your personal information is a top priority. We're committed to providing a secure, friendly website where customers can shop without concern. When you provide your information or place an order on Stefans Soccer website, our encryption process allows us to securely transmit your data over the Internet.

When you submit sensitive information via Stefans Soccer website, your information is protected both online and offline.

When Stefans Soccer website asks you to enter sensitive information, such as your credit card information, the information is encrypted and is protected with the best encryption solution currently available: SSL. Stefans Soccer uses the most advanced form of SSL encryption available.

Stefans Soccer server is housed and maintained in a secure location. Access to the server is strictly monitored and protected from outside access. Internet access is restricted and protected by firewalls and password protection. Only personnel with proper security clearance have access to these restricted areas where servers are located.

If you have questions or concerns about Stefans Soccer security practices or if you would like to request that your information be deleted from our database - please email us at

Email newsletters and Special Offers

Our newsletters and special offers are sent only to customers who granted and/or Sports Web LLC permission to send them such information. All Stefans Soccer website users can choose not to receive this type of communication.

Store Ratings and Reviews

We might also invite our customers via email to rate their experience at, through independent third parties such as,, Google Trusted Stores Program or Participation is optional. Some of the ratings and reviews might be displayed at


Customers who previously granted permission can opt out at any time from receiving newsletters and special offers. Users who no longer wish to receive our newsletter or promotional materials can either opt out in "My Account" section of our website. They may also email a request to be removed from our newsletter list to:

Reviewing & Updating Personal Information

Customers may review and change their stored account information such as street address or email address through our website, by visiting our "My Account" section. You must login with your username and password in order to access "My Account" section. If you forget both your username and password, please contact our customer service department for assistance.

Legal basis for processing personal information

For individuals in the EEA, Stefans Soccer’s legal basis for collecting and using your personal information will depend on the personal information collected and the specific context in which we collect it. 

Stefans Soccer will process personal information from you where, 

1) we have your consent to do so, 
2) where processing is necessary for Stefans Soccer to perform services pursuant to an agreement, or 
3) where processing is in our legitimate interests and not overridden by your data protection interests or fundamental rights and freedoms. In some cases, we may also have a legal obligation to collect personal information, or may otherwise need the personal information to protect your vital interests or those of another person. 

At any time, you have the right to withdraw or decline consent. If you do not provide the requested information, Stefans Soccer will not be able to perform services for you. Also, you have the right to object where we rely on our legitimate interests to process your personal information.

Notification of Changes

If we decide to change our Privacy Policy, we will post those changes to this privacy statement and other places we consider appropriate. We reserve the right to modify this privacy statement at any time. You may e-mail us at to ask our customer service department about changes and updates.

Last Update

The latest Privacy Policy contained herein became officially effective September 9, 2023.


Stefans Soccer
303 NJ-35
Eatontown, NJ 07724